CFYA is registered through the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to provide Coordination of Support – “Assistance to strengthen participants’ abilities to coordinate and implement supports and participate more fully in the community”. Development of daily living and life skills focuses on training and development activities undertaken by the customer or their carer to increase their ability to live as autonomously as possible. Training can be provided either individually or through group activities and can include skills in daily life activities, communication and social skills, problem solving and managing funding of supports. To assist customers to manage these challenges, we offer a range of training and development activities, aimed at building their capacity to manage day‐to‐day life, through the development of their knowledge, skills and networks of support. Alternatively, if you have a unique skill that you want to learn, CFYA will work with you to reach your goal. Our support workers come with a diverse range of backgrounds and interests. All we do is help match those skills and interests with you!